In 2010, former Governor John Lynch named June 29th “NASWA Day” in New Hampshire for our 75th anniversary. Not only is it an honor, but it’s also a wonderful excuse to celebrate, so join us for NASWA Day! This year, we are celebrating every year, and you won’t want to miss the party or live […]
“We are grateful for the popularity The NASWA enjoys and wanted to work with an organization that serves more than just our neighborhood. We wanted the benefits to extend across the State of New Hampshire and also across age and demographic lines,” says General Manager Cynthia Makris, who serves on the Board for Easter Seals. […]
80's Weekend at The NASWA is the best place to come and have a totally tubular time! We’ll be blasting the most radical 80’s tunes all weekend. Come just to veg out or party hearty on the beach! We’re stoked to the max to see you looking bodacious in your 80’s gear for our gnarly […]
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