99th Laconia Motorcycle Week

Live Music Daily! NazBar & Grill Entertainment Friday 6/10 - DJ Terry 5-10 Saturday 6/11 - Peter Makris Memorial Ride after-party with Kantu Blues Band & the Brassholes 1:30-5:30pm Blue Matter 6-10pm Sunday 6/12 - Los Sugar Kings 1:30-5:30pm DJ Terry 5:30pm Monday 6/13 - DJ Terry 5-10 Tuesday 6/14 3 Way 5:30pm Wednesday 6/15 […]

Live Music | Steven Virgilio

NazBar & Grill

Saturday 6/24 - Live Music at The NazBar & Grill from Steven Virgilio 6-10pm

Live Music | Vinyl Groove

Saturday 6/25 - Live Music at the NazBar & Grill by Vinyl Groove 4-8pm Vinyl Groove was formed in 2011 by Steven Virgilio "Virgil" Virgil's dream was to bring back to Boston the happiest of the MOWTOWN SOUND and dancing from DISCOS BEST which had been gone for so long. From day one Vinyl Groove […]

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