NASWA Fishing Pool 2025

As you may already know, the Winni Derby won’t be happening this year. However, we have some good news for all the fishing enthusiasts out there! We are excited to announce that we are still planning our annual NASWA Fishing Pool, which promises to be just as exciting as ever. This fishing pool has become an annual tradition now for 15 years and we are thrilled to keep it going.

We understand how important it is to keep our community engaged and entertained. So, we are doing everything we can to make sure that this year’s fishing pool is a great success as always.

We invite all the anglers to participate and show off their skills. There will be some exciting prizes to be won, as well is snacks and refreshments. We are confident that this event will bring some much-needed cheer and positivity to our community.

Stay tuned for more updates on the NASWA Fishing Pool. We can’t wait to see you all participate.

Room Specials:


NASWA Fishing Pool 2024

As you may already know, the Winni Derby won’t be happening this year. However, we have some good news for all the fishing enthusiasts out there! We are excited to announce that we are still planning our annual NASWA Fishing Pool, which promises to be just as exciting as ever. This fishing pool has become an annual tradition now for 14 years and we are thrilled to keep it going.

We understand how important it is to keep our community engaged and entertained. So, we are doing everything we can to make sure that this year’s fishing pool is a great success as always.

We invite all the anglers to participate and show off their skills. There will be some exciting prizes to be won, as well is snacks and refreshments. We are confident that this event will bring some much-needed cheer and positivity to our community.

Stay tuned for more updates on the NASWA Fishing Pool. We can’t wait to see you all participate.

Room Specials:

Stay 2 nights get complimentary docking. Stay 3 nights and get 20% off!

Winni Derby & NASWA Fishing Pool

40th Annual “Winni Derby” on Lake Winnipesaukee

Join us for our 13th Annual NASWA Fishing Pool for NASWA House Guests.

3 Night Minimum for Complimentary Dock Space and room specials!

Call to book.

Check out the current specials and save big on early season bookings!View Specials